Creating a Cleaner New Year

Did you make a New Year’s resolution to get your house in order? Have you gotten started yet? Most of us desire to live in a clean home but have trouble motivating ourselves to do it. If you keep putting off cleaning your home for the New Year, don’t worry. We’re sharing our best tips to help you conquer that clutter and dirt and create the home environment of your dreams!

Get the family involved

If you’ve got a family, then you know that families can make huge messes. Maybe your spouse can never remember to hang up their coat or your kids dump their sports gear on the floor and never pick it up. There’s no reason that one person needs to be responsible for everyone else’s messes. Resolve to get the whole family involved with cleaning your home. There are age-appropriate chores for everyone from pre-schoolers to teenagers. Give everyone a regular task and you’ll be well on your way to a cleaner home this year.

Stay ahead of messes

Are you the type that puts off cleaning until the weekend? Then it’s time to change that habit. By tackling a quick chore or two every day you will no longer have to commit to marathon cleaning sessions. Put everything back in its place before heading to bed. Load the dishwasher after every meal. Hang up your wet towel after a shower to keep mold and mildew at bay. A few small daily habits will add up over time.

Use the right tools

Anyone who has ever tried to hammer a nail with a shoe knows that having the right tool for the job is key. You will dramatically decrease the time needed to clean when you use the right tools and products. Invest in tools and cleaning products that can serve a variety of purposes, which will save you both time and money.

Make a list

Do you love making lists? Then use that to your advantage. Keep a running list of chores that need to be tackled. This not only helps you keep track, but also gives you a feeling of satisfaction when you can cross those chores off your list.

Check your storage

Are your closets and other storage areas cluttered, disorganized, or overflowing? Then now is the time to tackle them. Go through items and get rid of those things you no longer need or want. Then organize what’s left so you can easily see and access what you have. You should also take a walk around your home and see if any other spaces can be used for storage. This could include a trunk in the living room that doubles as an ottoman or a shelf in your home office for extra supplies.

Focus on tasks instead of rooms

Finally, if you find that it’s just too overwhelming to tackle an entire room, then focus instead on tasks. When you get out the vacuum, vacuum all the rooms. The same goes for dusting. If you’re washing your sheets, do all the sheets and towels in the house. You’ll feel a greater sense of accomplishment and won’t get bogged down by a chore that feels too big to handle.

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